Panama Named as One of Best Places to Retire in 2015
With more and more North Americans looking to retire abroad, Panama has once again been recognized as one of top spots to retire in the world.
Panama was ranked second on International Living’s annual Global Retirement Index, which cited Panama for offering the “best retirement benefits in the world.” Panama’s famous Pensionado visa offers a wide range of discounts and benefits to anyone with a lifetime pension of more than $1,000 a month, from anywhere in the world.
“Add all this to the country’s already low cost of living, and Panama is the very definition of an affordable expat haven,” International Living notes. “For under $2,000, a couple can live comfortably in a country with a well-earned reputation for being expat-friendly.”
Making a top retirement list is not new for Panama. It ranked number one on the list last year, and consistently appears on these best retirement spots lists. International Living has its own formula and biases, but there is no denying Panama’s world class attributes for retirees, n matter what the criteria.
“We combine real-world insights about climate, health care, cost of living, and much more to draw up a comprehensive list of the best bang-for-your buck retirement destinations on the planet,” International Living explains.
Whatever the rationale, these types of assessments are important. They recognize that Panama can offer an affordable, luxurious and secure quality of life, far removed from the political and economic turmoil – and snow – of their homes.
The International Living authors specifically cited the John Hopkins-affiliated Punta Pacifica hospital, which offers world class healthcare for our Punta Pacifica neighborhood.
The hospital “provides care comparable to what you’d receive in the U.S.,” International Living writes. “It’s one of five major hospitals spread throughout the country, although smaller facilities also provide first-rate service at highly competitive prices.”
Easily available and affordable healthcare is one of Panama’s biggest pluses. “The local health-care system is both cheap and reputable,” IL notes. “A visit to the doctor can set you back as little as $5.”
Here in Punta Pacifica, we see people enjoying Panama retirement every day. And it’s good to see the system get the recognition it deserves.
Duncan McGowan is president of Punta Pacifica Realty, a Panama real estate agency focused on Punta Pacifica, the exclusive neighborhood of 18 towers perched on the edge of the Pacific Ocean.